Slot to Slot Pressure Solutions

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You are playing a pressure man-to-man defense that is making the slot-to-slot pass difficult. Let's talk through some potential solutions we can use.

A common strategy that teams will employ against dribble-drive attacks is to isolate the basketball through denial. For those of us who choose to use a four-out alignment, this can sometimes mean denial of that critical slot-to-slot pass. This denial of the slot can be extremely disruptive if we don't adjust. It can slow our ball movement, take away passing options, and make our offense extremely stagnant. To make sure that our players are able to make adjustments to this strategy in games we want to work on 2-3 of these "solutions" in our practice plans.

There may be certain scenarios where we are just completely overmatched physically, and in those scenarios, I'm not sure there are any viable solutions. However, outside of those rare occasions, I believe there are ways that we can combat any strategy the defense takes. It's worth reminding ourselves that all defensive strategies have pros & cons. What a defense gains in denying the basketball they give up in their ability to help on drives or position themselves to switch. So with all of these solutions, we are trying to exploit those weaknesses that the defense has chosen.

  1. Wave
  2. Through Cut
  3. Push
  4. DHO
  5. Ball Screen
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Slot to Slot Pressure Solutions

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